"So to speak" — Annie

Damn, she quick

Annie? Woah

"That was a game. This is paintball." — Annie

Damn, what a titlecard!

Dean: "We're gonna end this year with a quick game of Paintball Assassin."
[Troy and Abed drop their icecream]


  • What an intro, Abed!

Abed: "I heard a rumour you never shoot an unarmed man."
Annie: "Whoever started that rumour didn't eat my beans."
Abed: "Then I guess it's lucky for me I'm not unarmed."
[Reveals gun]


  • What epic intros (besides Troy getting out of the trash can)

Jeff: "Whoa, where you going?"
Annie: "To have a conversation with Pierce."
Abed: "She's pretty awesome today."

  • The cinematography between Annie and Pierce! Omg!
  • Now the standoff between Annie, Pierce, The Black Rider and Jeff looks awesome!

"That's just the tip of the iceberg." — Pierce

  • There's a TRAILER for next episode?!


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