Shout by devinlosee

Master of None 2015

Seasons 1 and 2 were great. The fact that they wrote Aziz out of season 3 was not right. He went on a bad date and as soon as she said no he stopped. He is not a predator . It was a bad date with misinterpreted signals. She said no and he stopped and got her a car home. Netflix should be ashamed for writing him out of the show over this. I understand the movement and feel anyone forced into doing something is 100% wrong. He stopped once the word no was spoken. I don't see a predator here just mixed signals. Shame on Netflix for taking this too far and ruining a great show.

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Reply by Deleted

@devinlosee Aziz still wrote, produced and directed every single episodes of season 3, while he appeared in two. Netflix didn't 'cancel' him, and it was his own choice to do this in the end (no doubt there was 'some' pressure from a societal standpoint)
