Review by JonTheMantis

The Green Knight 2021

After mulling it over, I've come to a conclusion about The Green Knight.

I'm greatly confused by this.

I'm not sure if it's because I haven't read the original text, because it's an arthouse film that is supposed to be slow and disjointed for realism's sake, or because of another reason. Regardless, I left the theater unsure of my feelings about this movie. I mean, we all know how it's going to end from the scene where Gawain strikes the Green Knight. We know his fate is sealed, so the question should be, "How does he come to terms with his destiny?"

This movie is supposed to be not only Sir Gawain's physical journey to face the Green Knight in the Green Chapel, but also his mental journey that will prepare him for the moment the two of them meet again. However, even with the conclusion we are given, I don't really see how Gawain earned his arc. This movie trades the coherent for the abstract, and while I certainly don't think it's a bad thing that it was basically him moving from setpiece to (seemingly unrelated) setpiece, I don't see how he grew as a character to reach the conclusion he reached. Maybe there was some symbolism I missed in this fever dream of a fantasy. Maybe I'd understand more upon a rewatch. Despite that, it's certainly an experience, a waking dream to behold, both beautiful and terrible.

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