Review by Paladin5150

Blood Red Sky 2021

"I'm tired of these Mother Fracking Vampires on this Mother Fracking Plane!!!!"..... to borrow a catch phrase from a plethora of Samuel L's catch-phrases. So yes, it IS another take on the "shizz goes wrong at 30,000 feet" trope, with a bit of the cautionary tale of the scorpion and the frog, vampire edition thrown in. Prison Break's Dominic Purcell gives a familiar face to the thankless role of "Berg", the leader of the bad guys, in this case an unnamed band of mercs hired by unknown others to take over the plane for nebulous reasons, other than to detonate it over a major city making sure to blame it on the usual Muslim suspects. The thing is, plot twist, part of the crew is in on the scheme, but, they never get around to explaining their motivations, however, we do know they intended to bail out of the plane before the end was nigh.

All of that is but a side show to the main story, of a woman, unwillingly turned into a vampire of the classical, non sexy, Nosferatu type when she, her husband, and small baby end up stranded on a lonely back country road when their car breaks down. Told in flashbacks from both her and her now older sons viewpoint, it seems her sire was trying to find a cure for their affliction, and thus had developed a treatment that could stave off the major aspects transformation as long as they abstained from blood, and, she is on her way to another Doctor who is willing to try to cure her, when their plane is taken over.

While Peri Baumeister is on point as the reluctant Vampire just trying to find a cure and protect her child, Carl Anton Koch is both cute and completely annoying at the same time as her son Elias, in that his precocious need to "help", at one point ends up setting off the whole disaster. Kais Setti is the everyman, Farid, who befriends Elias and his mother and is a key character in the drama. Alexander Scheer is perfectly cast as "Eightball", an apparently gay homicidal maniac, that singularly sets back LGBTQ relations for our lifetime, especially because of "that shizz he did in Mogadishu"...

Once it all goes predictably sideways, various annoying side characters get their comeuppances, and it's just a matter of figuring out which of our leads will make it out alive. In the end, like the tale of the scorpion and the frog, our protagonists come to the same conclusion as those fabled characters and the sire at the movies beginning..., sometimes, no matter how hard you fight it, doing evil is just in one's nature....

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