Review by tropolite

Travelers 2016

Well if I knew the way I felt about this show after finishing the series I would have started watching Travelers when it first came out.

I did start watching it but from memory there was another time travel themed show that came out at the same time, I may have gotten these two shows confused. Why am I bringing this up? It's only because I recently discovered Brad Wright created Travelers and as I'm a big Stargate SG1 fan I figured I should give this another go, but this show wasn't like the one I watched in the past.

Admittedly it took a few episodes to warm up, but from there on it just kept getting Better. Time travel has been done to death but this one had a much better method to bring the show to life. 12 Monkeys series was good but Travelers did none of the hard to follow time jumps and frustrations that can lead to. I think that is why I can say that Travelers did the time thing very well, and worth the watch.

The actors did a top job and the writing was good. Of what SFX there were in the show they weren't the best but the story covered and made up for the budget limitations.

Travelers is most definitely worth putting the 'time' into it. It's only 3 seasons but every season jumped up in viewers and there's a reason... It got better and better as each episode played out. There is a long arc binding it all together.

For those who aren't sure if they want to invest their time into a series that only lasts 3 seasons and worried there isn't a reasonable conclusion, don't be. Give it 4-5 episodes and if you aren't hooked come back and give me a prod.

I really hope Brad Wright looks into rebooting this show, it definitely has the distinct makings for that to happen.

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