• Jack Black? Is he a professor here? Is he gonna start a rock band or a kung fu group? Sorry
  • I wish Jack Black could stay for the entire series
  • These are some cool article ideas
  • Wait, Senor Chang died???
  • Ah, okay

Jeff: "My new job is hanging out, having fun and cracking wise."
Britta: "Oh, must be nice. Suppose, I decide that's my job?"
[Everybody laughs]
RIP Britta

Buddy: "I'm strong, hmm, and I can kick."
[Kicks Jeff]
Jeff: "Ow!"
RIP, Po is going at it

Pierce: "Say your vote out loud."
Shirley: "We'll know each other's voices."
Pierce: "Troy's got a point."
Come on, Pierce

Jeff: "Be relaxed, like me. Leave."
Buddy: "You're not relaxed. You're an uptight puppet master. And these are all your little puppets."
[Everybody gets upset]
[Jeff silences them]
He's right

  • That's not Po or Dewey Finn, this an evil alternate reality version of Jack Black
  • RIP Jeff's cool, calm and collected demeanour
  • Omg, it's Owen Wilson

SCORE: 7/10

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