God this show is just. So special. It's somehow in your face surreal and yet knows how to be true to life and quiet at the same time. It's confident in itself, and that means it knows when to be loud and when to be quiet. So many things just work in unison here. Haddish's heartfelt Tuca and the animation that adores her, combining so that you never lose sight of her humanity. She's hilarious and confident but also achingly vulnerable and lost. She could so easily be a caricature, but this episode shines so much love on her. And speaking of the animation, good god. The way the entire city changes just by changing its shade and hue... it perfectly encapsulates that weird feeling of being up and out way too late, this odd hyperreality where everything and everyone feel revealed, like we're all too tired to put up our masks. There's this sort of connection with everyone you see, and the budding romance between Tuca and the nurse is so sweet. That heart beats so strongly through the entire episode. It's a minor beat, but when the old couple play a game of chess, and the reward for winning is feeling the other up while she rolls her eyes and calls him an old perv... it encapsulates what makes this show the peak of adult animation today. Maybe even of the past two decades, and there's stiff competition there. But it balances all the weirdness, the comedy, the sadness, the romance, all the big wild energy and the little understated moments, the thrilling highs and the aching lows, without compromising any one element. Life is one big cohesive mess, and Tuca and Bertie knows that. And the final scene of Tuca finally sleeping, at peace and happy with someone she likes and has connected to, vulnerable enough to listen to her sweet lullably got me tearing up. This episode could quite easily stand on its own and still be fantastic, but as a part of the show's whole and a showcase of what makes it so amazing, it's just flawless.

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