Wokeflix attacks again, Teela as She-man? Orko dead? Multiverse with feminism? No thanks i will keep the original series as canon, not this.

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@auron1983 big scary woman ruined my He-Man, boo hoo!

@inthegripofwinter bad story ruined the show, not cuse its a show with female lead, that narrative is already tired try to use something new.

@auron1983 Have you ever heard of separate canons?

@axonrlp according to the original post the show is bad because it's to "woke", whatever that means, anche because it has femenism so take it up with him. Saying the story is "bad" means nothing.

@auron1983 About 40 years have passed, and our world changed a lot since then... Everything changes... you're obviously not the same as when the original release came out... Grow up lieke He-Man did.
