[7.7/10] Wow! This is the first post-cancellation episode of Arrested Development that feels of a piece with the show’s original run. Maybe that’s because it follows a bit from the structure of “Amigos!” but that’s not a bad thing! There were big laughs, funny and clever connections, and even some answers to leftover bits of nonsense from season 4. Let’s hope this is a sign of season 5 turning the corner and not just an aberration.

The main story worked well. The absurdity of George Michael following Michael, who’s following George Sr., with all of them being followed by Barry, was a hoot. The show got great comic mileage out of the fact that none of the sons had the right suspicions of the fathers and none of the fathers were any good about lying to their sons about what they were really doing. (Which means that Michael gets dinged twice!) The various efforts to sidestep the truth and the reality of what’s really going on all around was amusing.

Plus hey, we finally got some closure on the whole George Sr./Oscar mojo switch thing! It’s a little contrived (hence the return of the “coiiiiincidence!” sting), but the estrogen/testosterone bit is something! I also appreciate the sheer absurdity of Michael making up a lie about the DA having footage of the stair car, only for it to turn out to be true (replete with Barry’s “one spikey head, one bald” line to be accurate.)

In terms of the more standalone storylines, I appreciate the humor and odd stretch of sincerity to GOB trying to figure out his sexuality. His confusion with a “closet converter” store is classic Arrested Development humor (I particularly loved the pamphlet with the “It’s all we do!” literalism), and GOB buying the company to protect his secret is totally his brand of insanity. The “On the Next” montage for GOB and his team putting together the float is really well done too.

Tobias had a quality stretch in this episode as well. The Narrator having to step in because Tobias is terrible at telling stories was a fun device. At the same time, his little shimmy down the incline to get to Michael and George Michael was an amusing bit of physical comedy.

But once again, Maeby threatens to steal the show. For one thing, her conversation with George Michael where the two cousins are subtly making jabs at one another and, bizarrely, trying to make the other jealous has some really funny dialogue. (Maeby’s “But he’s family” line is darkly comic and on brand for this show.) Likewise, their conversation while George Michael is on the road is a winner too, particularly with Maeby’s lines about “day-plotting” and “crime-storming”. Plus, her ploys to continue seeming old get funnier and funnier. The nickname “Buttons”, earned for simply turning on a T.V., had me in stitches.

Overall, this is the best episode of Arrested Development in a long time, and I hope we get more of it!

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