This was a really strong but inconclusive season finale, I really liked seeing James' emotional develoment throughout the series as James came to apprecfiate and understand the value of human relationships through his adventures with Alyssa. James opening up to Alyssa about his Mom, and what she was like before she killed herself was a really good scene and showed just how close Alyssa and James have become. Also, knowing that James wasnt just going with the flow and actually was doing what he wanted was great, seeing him kiss Alyssa, genuinally agree with Alyssa's escape plan, and sacrifice himself to save Alyssa were all amazing scenes this episode. Also, I reallly hope Alyssa and her Mom reconcile, even though her Mom was kinda shittyt, she did seem to care about her daughter unlike Leslie, who abandoned Alyssa for years, and didnt even write those letters, it was Alyssa Mom instead, who wanted to protect ALyssa. I really hope season 2 also explores James and Phil relationship, if James isnt dead, since its clear that James dosnt understand how much Phil loves him. Poor Eunice, she just wanted to protect the two. Also, im hoping s2 will explore Alyssa's trauma from almost being raped in s2.

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