Review by Patrick

was really hoping Alyssa's Dad wouldve been a good person, but he's just as shitty as Alyssa's mom, being neglectful and abandoning his son he had with another woman, dealing drugs to kids, and also leaving behind Alyssa for years. It sucks that James feels like he's being left out from Alyssa's life again, as he sees that Alyssa is bonding with her Dad, ignoring James' advice about the blatant issues with him, and sort of leaving James out. I really sympathize with James' father, Phil, he really didnt deserve that punch and while he's kinda annoying, he genuinally cares for James and is torn by seeing what's happened with him. Also fuck Teri, it's pretty shitty of her to not sympathize with these kids whove lived miserable lives, and only killed the guy out of self defence. Its nice how even though she's still doing her job, Eunice can feel bad for the circumstances of these murder suspects, and I cant wait to see what happens when she goes to the location. Also. watchign James struggle to kid the dog that was ran over and Alyssa having to do it was a great idnicator as to how much emotional development James has experienced after the murder incident, and how he values life more.

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