Review by dogg724

Castlevania 2017

This is a great series. Why? The animation is spectacular. The pacing is on point. The characters just developed enough without needing to linger or force them into more than they need to do. It takes familiar themes and organizes them into coherent short-stories and doesn't insist you do more than enjoy the ride. What you don't see coming aren't leaps of faith and forgiveness for lazy plot lines. The only thing that gives me pause when I use the word "lazy" is the dialogue. It's not abjectly cringe-inducing, but it can take you out of a moment that might have otherwise retained a measure of depth that would have pushed a scene into more evocative territory. In one sense, it's okay to feel comfortable enough with the vein you're depicting your characters in, in another, for what is clearly a thoughtful and deliberate piece of work, to kind of fumble on some word choices feels unfortunate. The show dips its toes into genuinely contemplative material regarding greed and death, then hands the keys to the teenager learning how to drive meaningful dialogue. I've never played the games, but the series makes me want to. I wonder if broadly the series is hamstrung by a kind of lightness or wish-fulfillment I'm curious if the games maintain.

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