Probably still the most overrated series in recent history. (Yeah, Marvel takes it for total hype, but I don't think people get pretentious about how serious MCU films take themselves.)

This film's plot, once it actually unfolds, is just a "dark and serious" take on the typical "big, dumb American patriot" action film, and the antagonists' motivations and actions don't make any sense. The last act plot bunnies are groan-inducingly stupid and ad hoc. All that just to make evil bad man bad so Batman and the police can be the good guys, and Catwoman-- the most individualistic and anarchistic character in the franchise -- can say "Whelp, I guess wanting to correct the class imbalance is evil and only bad people will do it. Gooo police state!" But hey, did you see how great Hathaway looked in that get-up!

I mean, she did, not that she doesn't always look amazing. But isn't this supposed to be the "grim, serious, realistic" Batman? And you've got some tiny-apartment-living twenty-something anarchist wearing a suit that visibly costs tens of thousands of dollars to create?

Seasoned viewers will realize that the almost entirely unconnected (second?) act and cute, tied-up-with-a-bow epilogue are just distracting palate wipes designed to bookend the plot contrivances sandwiched in between. And that's the Nolans' true talent: making pretty nonsensical little boy power fantasies that take themselves too seriously for the actual content, but mastering the tone that makes the inexperienced and the moronic think they've just watched something serious and profound.

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