Review by ragreynolds

The Leftovers 2014

Fantastic storytelling, gripping performances, fascinating concept. When I first read this show's description, I thought it was just going to be a generic show similar to the likes of 'The Returned' and other shows that deal with people disappearing/returning unexpectedly. These presumptions put me off watching this show for far too long. Now that I've finished it, I only wish I had watched it immediately after hearing about it.

I'll admit, I was a bit iffy about season 1. I spent most of the season tuning in and out, as I found Laurie's story to be annoying and I didn't like what was going on with Tom either. I was also trying to make up my mind if I liked what the show was trying to do or not. The stuff with Patty following Kevin around was weird at first and I wasn't a fan, but eventually, I started to really enjoy it. But once we got to the end of the season and then on to season 2... I just couldn't stop watching. Season 2 is easily one of the best seasons of television I've ever seen, it's fantastic. Season 3 I felt was a bit of a letdown at times, but overall was still very good, and the finale was as good as we were ever gonna get for this show, answering just the right amount of questions while leaving us pondering over others.

The performances in this show really cannot be applauded enough, especially the performance from Carrie Coon as Nora Durst. The characters in this show are all flawed and deeply complex, and their stories are almost all beautifully told. The direction in this show is also fantastic, and the use of music as an emotive tool is some of the best I've ever experienced. There were times where music would play and it would get me hyped up, and others where the music on its own almost brought tears to my eyes.

This show definitely has its issues. There are some low points with certain characters getting more screentime than I'd have liked (mainly during the first season), but overall, I cannot recommend this show enough. It's not the usual crap, and it does what it does very well. Episode 8 of season 2 is such a bizarre, bold episode, and it might be one of my favourite hours of TV ever. This show takes lots of risks, and I believe that those risks pay off well for the most part. The show's length is also perfect. There are so many shows that go on and on, season after season, and they diminish in quality as they go on. Networks enjoy milking the popular series to get all they can out of them. The Leftovers does not have this issue, and it ends at a perfect point. It's neither too long nor too short. It's not daunting for a new viewer to approach, because the seasons aren't overly long, and there's only 3 to get through. Yet at the same time, you don't have to worry about getting attached to the show only for it to end/be cancelled after it just gets going.

Season 1: 7.5/10
Season 2: 9.5/10
Season 3: 8.5/10
Overall: 9/10


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