"If you're going to become true dodgeballers, then you've got to learn the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!"

Haven't seen this in forever but I'm glad it still holds up. I just simply enjoy seeing Ben Stiller play White Goodman. Such an over the top annoying prick, lovely! It's also fun to see that Alan Tudyk can play a pirate as accurately as he can play an alien!

Anyway DogdeBall: A True Underdog Story is an 80's sportcomedy with all the clichés made in the 2000's which is great. Like I said it still holds up for me, which is tough for comedies I really liked when I was growing up. (I was 15 years old when I first saw this one) Most of them get by for nostalgic reasons but I found this one to be really funny at times and building a movie around Dogdeball is just perfect. Loved the game when I was in high school.

So yeah, if you're up for a comedy DodgeBall could be the choice for you!

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