Catching up before it's leaving Shudder. Not for everyone and need to be in the right headspace to fully enjoy it. It's beautifully disturbing! The plot is not the strong point, it's about a woman who tries to escape the health institute she's in. I don't claim to understand what's happening in this film but it's a it’s a trippy and experimental experience. With limited dialogue and slow pacing, it manages to keep me invested with its compelling aesthetic. Michael J Rogers is spectacular when his characters dives into full madness! Every scene is so masterfully crafted. The surreal and eye-popping visuals create this terrifying nightmare that you can't espace. It makes me feel very uneasy but I keep drawn to it. It has 70's sci-fi films feel to it and the music is very hypnotic. Overall it's not as great as Mandy but comes close.

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