Review by Kevin Social

Deadpool 2 2018

I'm not going to write a long one here, I mainly just wanna say please watch the Theatrical Cut of this film as it is by far the best version as the jokes hit better, the action is better and the music is miles better and the Super Duper Cut is just overly long and the jokes are just not as funny.

The story of Deadpool 2 is miles better in my opinion as it revolves around Deadpool basically going off the deep end after something emotionally wrecking happens and he has to start from rock bottom again and just let the insanity ensue. Need to start off with Ryan Reynolds (Wade Wilson / Deadpool) is still so perfect in this film, casting of Josh Brolin (Cable) though I think could have been cast better it was still a super great performance and the underrated performance in this film is Zazie Beetz (Domino) who I never liked much in the comic but in this film she just makes this character so bad ass and fun.

Like I said I am gonna keep it short and say just please watch this film and just get ready to have even more fun than the first film (just make sure to watch Theatrical Cut).

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