Review by Dahj Asha

Spider-Man: Homecoming 2017


Review by Dahj Asha

I didn't like "The Amazing Spider-Man" (at least initially, not sure if I would now) but this new remake is really entertaining and it's awesome that Spider-Man is now part of the MCU (I really liked that Tony Stark and Happy where in it and that we got some small but good glimpses into the world of the Avengers). It's nothing like the original Spider-Man (IIRC it was quite serious back then, at least I remember and like the "With great power comes great responsibility" quote the most) but Tom Holland does such a good job at portraying the new Spider-Man character in an genuine and likeable way.

The lines/jokes are so great and entertaining. I also really liked things like the Peter Parker vlog at the beginning (a very good idea IMO) and of course the Stan Lee cameo (RIP, you'll be missed but not forgotten). One of the things I like the most is how Peter is now portrayed like a nerd and that he wears cool nerd shirts almost always.

The ending (when his aunt sees him in his suit) is also really fitting as Peter doesn't pay much attention to protecting his secret identity (changing in public all the time and often taking his mask off)... :D

The CGI was also really good/pretty.

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