Review by aniforprez

Army of the Dead 2021


Review by aniforprez
BlockedParent2021-05-23T10:21:22Z— updated 2021-05-30T13:08:47Z

One of the worst movies I've had the displeasure of seeing

Acting was probably the only relatively decent thing about the movie. Most of the actors did a good enough job of it

The writing was laughably stupid. I could write a novel with a list of all the plot holes and unexplained events that happen here. The dialog is legitimately terrible at times. The characters behave wildly inconsistently making absolutely brain dead decisions at almost every single moment of the movie. You'd think a zombie movie would have interesting zombies but they're overwritten and somehow overacted. This is nowhere close to being a simple zombie heist movie as was advertised. There's too much going on with so many unnecessary subplots and forced emotional moments trying their hardest to make this a serious movie. The humor is just more crap to the pile that's done poorly

The movie looks awful too. At least with Snyder you sort of think that you'll get a visual spectacle. So many scenes look blurry and out of focus and some of the CGI is legitimately ugly. As is on-brand for Snyder, none of the music is in any way subtle

All in all, this is a Snyder show and it's evident that the guy is a hack who can't write or direct and has continually failed upwards consistently. It's overly long at 2.5 hours which could just as easily have been a more digestible 1.5 hours. And all of it wasted on some of most disgusting, unpalatable writing I've seen in a movie

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