finally alicia is starting to step up. i do not like the hotel lady she meets, but it's nice to see alicia standing her ground and doing what she had to. up until now, it seems like she's mostly been relying on others, but this opens up another side to her character. hopefully we'll get to see this develop more throughout the series.

travis needs to just leave chris alone at this point. nothing he's doing is helping and he's probably pushing him further away at this point. i've seen other comments mention a 'psychotic break' but based on the acting that's not really what i see going on here. it seems like really shitty parenting on travis' end coupled with stress and trauma of the apocalypse and his mother's death has pushed chris away from his 'family' and he's trying to forge his own path instead. especially since he's unable to trust travis, he's being forced to step up himself because he feels he can't rely on anyone else.

i do not like chris' character, but it's hard not to be sympathetic when he has travis as a father.

can you tell i hate travis?

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