Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who 2005

Shout by Deleted

I hope I haven't missed The Doctor's Daughter rerun (though I do have it on dvd). It is such a great ep and Georgia Moffett was outstanding. Just looked at the marathon schedule (writing this Fri., 12/16, 3:30 pm est) and it's not upcoming. Dang! They're repeating repeats but not The Doctor's Daughter!!??!! Frickin' Daleks at BBC-A!

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Reply by Deleted

I don't remember seeing it in the marathon, either, but honestly...I am so close to starting all over again with Nine anyway. Since I binge watched these in under 3 months, I feel like there is so much more for me to absorb, plus I got so excited catching bits and pieces during the marathon! I'm going to try and hold out a little longer. I have a couple of Doctor appearances to look forward to in SJA yet, plus I'm trying to get started with Classic Who as well...
