Review by Martin Sestrimski

Nobody 2021

My dad suggested we watch this movie and I thought why not. And honestly, I had fun with it. It's a bit of a weird one tonally, as the vibe completely shifts by the end, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it for what it was.

"Nobody" sees Bob Odenkirk take a starring role as the character of Hutch Mansell, a seemingly everyday guy who clearly has a lot more going on to his person than it might seem at first glance. His and all other performances were solid. Nothing really blew me away, but I liked what everyone brought to the table.

The story was engaging, largely thanks to maintaining the mystery surrounding Odenkirk's character. It takes more than half the movie until all the puzzle pieces are set and the viewer is familiar with all aspects of the story. It's never confusing thankfully, meaning that the plot is relatively easy to follow. By the end, things devolve into an all-out unashamed shooting fest. While it might be disappointing in regards to the film's unfulfilled potential, there's no denying it was fun. As gritty as it might seem at first, don't take "Nobody" too seriously. It's honestly quite a stupid movie, but a very likeable one. Each character has their moment, which is not too unimpressive considering the short running time. All of them stand apart and are clear in their place in the story. All of this works as good background for the action.

And the action is what really sells the movie. It's absolutely silly, over-the-top, and entertaining as hell to watch. I'll refer to the straw throat scene for those who have watched this film as my favourite out of all. The creativity in the violence here is staggering, I love it. I was glued to the screen everytime there was some fighting going on.

One somewhat odd criticism I have is the overuse of music throughout. I honestly thought most of the budget was probably spent on just licensing songs here. Their use is honestly rather trite at this point, e.g. let's put a pre-90s song (think it's pre-80s in this case) to make this scene stand out. It's kind of hard when you do this every 10 minutes or so. It's honestly too much, might be best to have just let most of those scenes speak for themselves.

All in all, I liked "Nobody". It's an engaging ride that won't impress you, but it will entertain you. If you're just looking for a quick over-the-top action flick, I can wholeheartedly recommend it.

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