Review by Chris Smith

Green Zone 2010

Bizarre movie, because of the main character. He can fire a gun, command a unit decisively and concisely, and talk on the radio and telephone. But whenever he must have a conversation face to face with another character, he blanks completely, and becomes speechless. I can't decide if Damon can't remember his lines, or if Miller (his character) is stupid. Miller learns what's going on, piece by piece, of course, but at key moments when he must converse with allies in his struggle, he repeatedly loses his train of thought and just stares mutely. In a war setting like the film's, an important skill is bringing others to one's side, and these are the crucial moments when Miller blanks. Fortunately, prior events in motion drive the plot onward so that the film doesn't halt as a result of the forgotten lines.
This movie will be stressful viewing for people who value communication.
This movie goes beyond the standard Iraq action plot (fighting against dual enemies—Iraqis and US immediate superiors), and brings in Washington DC intrigue. For that reason, it is much more enjoyable than just grunts blowing things up, getting blown up, and seeing how many curse words they can fit into 90 minutes.

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