Review by manicure

Inception 2010

"Inception" is a solid and extremely entertaining action film that is based on an interesting concept, which is something rare for this kind of blockbusters. However, it's nothing as deep or arthousey as Nolan wants us to think. Its biggest flaw is that it tries to do too many things at the same time without fully developing any of the ideas. Dom's backstory is beautifully told, but the role of their children, as well as the mystery behind Mal's death, felt a bit too rough and cliché. The dynamics and side-effects of the dreams are explained multiple times throughout the film, but some passages still felt forced or just rattled off by the writers. The running time could allow more focus on emotional depth as well as character development. Yet, a lot of is gets sacrificed by the addition of a lot of superfluous action scenes, like the neverending mountain fights or the chase in Kenya. These are probably used to make the film easier to digest for casual viewers, but added nothing to the plot nor felt visually appealing or particularly adrenaline-filled. The ending is left ambiguous not for real narrative necessities but just to avoid taking risks but still keep the talk going.
Don't misunderstand me: it's a fun and entertaining film that is masterfully shot, excellently acted, and even lets you think a bit. It just lacked the depth that such an ambitious concept needed and felt a bit overrated.

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