Shout by fungus1487

Avengers: Infinity War 2018

finally got round to seeing this and it's a hot mess, lacklustre action sequences that resort to fast cuts, some dodgy cgi head replacements (for a multi million $ movie!) but above all else it is just boring, you get the feel every scene just yelled "action" with the wooden performances of the cast, the art direction is not really existent except for the few completely CGI shots around Thanos with sunsets.

The plot is just a really poor example of send villains to do work, realise villains don't have any character building or backstory only to teleport the main villain into the fight at the end (which he could have done all along).

Honestly the film is just for people who like flashy lights but there are a million other dross flashy films and I expected more from a film with this sort of budget and acting pedigree.

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