This show is beyond boring now it’s sad this show was exciting every week now it’s on its last leg . I only watch it cause been watching from
Day one

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@ruggid99 well ok, but who asked?

@felixgotrek Who asked what? You confused about what a comment section is or something?

@paulvincent83 still searching for the part where Ruggid wrote down his valid criticism about the episode.
No, you wont find it, dont bother. Its just the usual bashing of the show without a single reason. This is not what the comment section is for. At least not in an ideal world.

@felixgotrek Ruggid is talking about the complete lack of character development and growth that the show now has.

@ruggid99 I lost interest after they introduced Negan. I realized that it had become super villain of the season. I certainly saw the show trying to mirror Game of Thrones with high level of violence and killing off main characters. Which doesn't work for this show. The characters are what drives it forward.

@strykar Umm it's trying to copy the source material which is The Walking Dead comics with high level of violence and killing off main characters.
