For the final night, the final movie and the film so.

A quick recap of the other two Museums films and then I will talk about the third one: The first Night at the Museum film I thought was pretty good and solid family film. It's harmless and very creative of what the creators can do with the famous figures of are history. But the second movie I thought was a big mess. I remembered not laughing that much while watching the film, and is it just me or the movie was like it was pleading for me to laugh at it but I was left in silence for the all film. So yeah, I didn't like the second movie but I liked the first and with the third one I can say.... It's better than the second movie, I can say that at least, but I'm going to be honest here, this isn't a good movie, it isn't bad, it's just not that good.

Ben Stiller once again returns to his character "Larry Daley" and this time his character isn't the same character where he will wave his finger out at people and say "Don't do that I'm telling you", or "Hey get away from from that", yeah that kind of character, but in this he changed a little, well, since this is the last film and probably the writers of the film thought to themselves "Yeah he needs to stop being a boss pot and lighten up a little", and I respect that and Ben Stiller did do good in this.

All the other cast members all do good even Mickey Rooney and Dick Van Dyke had a scene in this and it was pretty good scene. The movie looks really good has well like the all movie has that Christmas with that light blue color to it.

Now let's talk about the ending to this movie and this isn't a big spoiler because you know this is the last movie and all the character's have to say their goodbye's and the scene with Robin Williams and Ben Stiller wrap up moment almost had me in tears. It was like Robin Williams himself was saying goodbye not just to Ben Stiller but to us. I know this isn't fully his last movie because there's another movie that his in called 'Absolutely Anything' where he plays a talking dog and Simon Pegg is in it as well, so that's really his last role, but the goodbye scene in this was pretty sad and Robin did really good in this movie, like he always do.

Now for the things that didn't really work for me: The cave man in the movie that's suppose to be the comic relief got on my nervous and if you just take him out of the film the all movie wouldn't feel like it's missing something. The writing in this isn't all that great, yeah it's a kids and family film so yeah I can see why they have to dumb it down, but come on the one liners in this fell so flat to me.

Overall rating: 'Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb' is not a bad film, it's not flawless and the movie isn't trying to be. If somebody ever said to me would I recommend this film to family and kids and I will say yes go a head they would enjoy it... I hope, but it's not for me.

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