Shout by aniforprez

WandaVision 2021


Shout by aniforprez
BlockedParent2021-03-05T08:49:22Z— updated 2021-03-24T06:38:55Z

Pacing issues and moments of absolutely terrible writing bog down an extremely interesting concept. I don't understand why they thought the side story of the morons from SWORD would make for an interesting plot when it's grievously underdeveloped. Stuff just happens, characters are revealed on a whim because the story demands it, interesting mysteries turn into mundane reveals and everything is underwritten and paced horribly

I had high expectations from the teasers and I loved the first 2 episodes despite them being FAR shorter than I hoped. But the rest of the episodes are frankly terrible and the show as a whole is so terribly mediocre

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