Yes, we are more than the sum of our parts. Whatever part of you you don't like, you have to accept it because it makes you who you are. That's a lesson Kirk learned way back. And again Voyager uses a formular tried and tested.

Personally I think Dawson overdid the Klingon performance. It felt like she watched a lot of Lursa and B'etor and tried to emulate that. The Vidiians are merly a one dimensional villain. And despite the fact they are medically superior the Doctor can reverse everthing and just put the Klingon DNA back into B'Elanna becuase otherwise she'd die. Convinient. Which begs the question if her Klingon half would have suffered the same fate had she survived and if the Vidiians accounted for that. And Talaxians as a race seem to be annoying.

Since Tuvok and Paris still are down one rank I suspect there is some behind-the-scenes info that could explain that. I am guessing production schedule and maybe something that was shot but ended up on the edditing floor.

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