Review by FinFan

And again they dangle the proverbial carrot-on-a-stick in form of an early way home in front of our nose. And again it is a hollow premise.
But it's not the centerpiece of the story anyway. No, that would be, like Janeway says: "being on the other side of the fence". Now the Prime Directive turns against you and immediately you notice the hypocrisy. How many times did you reject other culture the benefit of your tech knowing you might improve, or even save, lifes? It is interesting to see who takes what side and even Janeway, althought firm in general, is tempted. You realise it is different from that side of the fence. Is it human to want to be home asap ? Of course. But it also clearly shows that principles oftentimes uphold only as long as they serve you. Which is something that was, and still is, true today.

I really like the exchange about logic between Janeway and Tuvok at the end. The strength and flaws lying in the same argument. Of course the logic wasn't at faulty but Tuvok's interpretation was. Ultimately his choice was human. For whatever this is worth.
But from where I stand Janeway really differentiates on how she deals with B'elanna and Tuvok. The first getting a harsh reprimand and threat while in comparison Tuvok gets a litteral slap on the hand. It has a touch of favorism.

Lastly I'd like to add that I recognize how strong an actor Mulgrew is. Her eyes, when she dealt with them at the end, showed the frustration and dissapointed that makes this scene really strong and believable.

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