This could have been an interesting story about the pros and cons of keeping someone on life support and the question of euthanasia. Probably too early to do something drastic and with Neelix behavior it would have been hard to pull it off anyway.
The look of the Vidiians is actually quite creepy and I am not surprised to see Bragas name coming up on the script. They, too, are an interesting species and the moral dilemma Janeway is confronted with was solved a bit too easy.
What bugs me the most is how the dialogue plays out most of the time and how things are portrayed. F.e. Neelix's toxic levels are rising up to point of almost 100 % and the next moment they are back to normal. They are not dropping but are right back to where they need to be. I know, it's me being petty but it's just one example of many.

Is the Intrepid class the only ship that has a seperate dining hall for the captain? I don't recall this on any other ship. An officer's mess - sure. But just for the cap? Isn't that a bit opulent and a waste of space on a rather small ship ? She's got a ready room, a cabin AND a dining hall. Sounds more like a queen than a captain.

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@finfan Captain Archer gets a private dining room too, so maybe it was just something Braga liked.

@andrewbloom you are right, he did. But wasn't that one rather small? I always thought of it more like an extension to his quarters.

@finfan It's true, though everything was a little more spartan aboard the NX-01.
