Review by filmboicole

Dark: Season 3

3x01 Deja-vu

In other shows, I would be more hesitant when they brought in multiverse stuff considering it's the hot thing these days. In Dark, I have more faith that what we're seeing probably has a good deal of purpose and sense that will come from it in the long run. That said, I can't help but feel as though we're jumping the shark slightly--similarly to how it felt when LOST decided to introduce time travel. These big, mysterious, sci-fi shows love their side-steps, whether to add meaning and sense onto the conundrum or just to complicate things further. And I can't help but feel like some of the shot design in this episode is heavily hinting toward the former because of how much it held your hand (arguably out of place in the context of the show as a whole, but when adding on such a massive layer I get it) even though I found that to be a little shallow--the way it's revealed that Hannah is pregnant in this timeline felt a bit like being hit over the head with it. But you don't do things like that if you just want to be complicated, you do things like that if you want to say "I know this is a lot to handle, but just stick with it and it'll all make sense."

But, all that being said, the base of the series is still here and it's still compelling as ever. I'm exceedingly curious as to how we continue with this season because I'm extremely invested in what happens in the A reality and it will inevitably have to lead to a conclusion there primarily if the series wants any sort of satisfying conclusion.

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