Review by Deleted

Stranger Things 2016


Review by Deleted

It took some time for me to start watching this Netflix series. Actually, it took years, as I did not have a Netflix account and I wasn’t interested. Only last year, at a birthday party, when we were playing Stranger Things’ Monopoly, I got interested. Then, on Halloween, I decided to start watching. And I loved it!
Stranger Things is a series about a group of four 12-year-old boys who live in Hawkins, Indiana, in the 80’s. One Autumn evening, one of the boys, Will Byers, goes missing and his friends, mother, brother and the chief of the police try to find him. At the same time, some strange events happen in the town, in the electric facility, all connected to a little innocent girl.
With Stranger Things, some thoughts came to my mind. Firstly, the importance of fellowship. If it wasn’t for his friends, Will would be gone forever. Also, if it wasn’t for Joyce being a friend of Hopper, the chief of police, she would have been considered a lunatic. We see the importance of friendship throughout the entire series.
Also, it is amazing how Stranger Things celebrate “Being different is good”. The main group is a group of nerds and each of them is different from the other, being Will the quietest, Dustin the funniest, Mike the leader, and Lucas the sarcastic one. They are bullied at school. However, they don’t want to change. If they changed, they wouldn’t have saved the world, literally, so many times.
My favourite thing about this series is really the power of being a nerd. Being one myself, it warms my heart seeing how loving Lord of the Rings and books ends up by being something so good and heroic.
Well, now let’s wait for another season.

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