The lighter!!!! I don’t understand what happened to Laurie that she would prioritize a cult over her daughter. So I imagine there’s more to the GR than meets the eye, however my first impression is that they are selfish and privileged, like imagine being lucky enough to survive and especially still have family and friends (like Laurie that still has her family) and choose to leave it all behind, I get feeling guilty, afraid, uncertain, with a lot of questions, and based on this years experience I’ve also feel like this and have questioned my existence too but I’m more inclined to feeling lucky of still being alive instead of joining a cult, but who knows in about three years; also they say they are a reminder of what happened but I feel like if you lost someone you don’t need a reminder or someone shoving your loss in your face.

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@aars26 I think she simply prioritised her capacity to live over her daughter, if we're making a hierarchy. Laurie's on the precipice; I don't think she thinks she deserves to still be on earth, and having hollowed herself out like that she's in no place to be parenting.

Re the "don't need a reminder" about the departures: the group is literally called the guilty remnant, and their very existence owes to their idea that everyone who remains needs a reminder, because they should feel guilty. So I think it very much makes sense, at least within the show, that they do need a reminder. (Outside of the show it functions perfectly as a metaphor in countless scenarios for particular personality types.)
