Review by FLY

The season starts out pretty weak but really picks up in the end. This is mainly due to the fact that only Bojack's story is interesting and all the other characters' are passable at best.

Bojack's arc is probably one of the best we've had. The Philbert show, though only picked on the name, is actually very entertaining, with Rami Malek doing a great Flip as director. Bojack's relationship with Gina is cool and looks like the best he ever had. After being seemingly a lot better adjusted, the fall comes through painkiller addiction and this is handled masterfully.

Princess Carolyn's adoption tentatives are ok I guess. Nothing unexpected, but yeah, it's passable.

Diane has a good episode when she goes to Vietnam. There's the moment she backstabs Bojack by including his lines on the script. That's it. Basically useless for the rest of the season. Nothing much happening storywise of funnywise.

Mr Peanutbutter's stories are totally uninteresting. His girlfriend is just annoying. The Halloween episode is interesting, but can't really say it is about him even if narration is focused on him and his successive wives.

Even worse for Todd that manages to be even less interesting than last season. The whole Henry Fondle thing is barely passable as a 5 minute bit in a episode, but make it last for almost the whole season, arg.

Worst episodes:
1) Episode 03 : Todd visits his girlfriend's parents, totally out of color for this show
Rest is not bad per se, just bland

Best episodes:
1) Episode 06: Bojack's mother's eulogy. Just WOW. Best episode of the entire show.
2) Episode 09: One of the darkest episodes, the moment where Bojack's addiction becomes painfully visible
3) Episode 11: Drug induced mix of Philbert and Bojack lives

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