Like the pill poppin, the intertwining of Bojack and Philbert personas and life has been a light background idea becoming more ans more present, and this is the culmination of it.The story progresses through these similarities, and like Bojack, we can never know if we're in real life or on the set except from some details. Both merge easily and that's a great narrative structure once again.

It's also mixed with classic drug induced visions, including the musical part. Not a big fan of that in general, but that's kind of a must have.

It's complex, dark, again a great episode.

Bojack is totally addict, he turned his house into Sarah Lynn's, with hidden pills everywhere. Are there some on set too ?

Loved some of the background jokes."Sassy gets emotionally naked. And also naked naked". Kudos on Stingray Liotta.

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