A good point for the initial narrative structure. The change to a zebra in the opening was a good call. Then it continues the whole episode, nice. Flippy the dolphin was a great character too.

The whole Todd and Princess Carolyn story was shit. Not only uninteresting but it seems so completely out of character for Todd that it made absolutely zero sense. The fourth wall breaking comment about B-stories and how that's seems like the most normal way to have a conversation was a very good one, and the only justification for this whole story.

On the small stuff, I like the constant reminders that Mr Peanutbutter is really a dog and the farm bit was great.

As for the main story, Bojack is clearly a mess unable to cope with his mother's death. But Diane has her own problems and can't handle that. What he does to her is very insensitive but not really intentional. But what she does to get back to him, wow. It's totally intentional and incredibly cruel. Not only to him, but this is filmed, it will go on TV, and whatever happened that she doesn't know, "the girl" might see it in the future. It probably shows that Diane is in a much darker place following her divorce than we would think (weird because despite her complaints and wanting space, we only see her focused on Bojack's story and why he didn't talk to her about it). So if this is not a revenge, but just a plot to make him talk to her about it, that's actually even worse.

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