So Peanutbutter's house was "Untitled Horsin' Around knockoff" ? Who could have seen that one ?

Nice touch with Diane using Bojack's answering machine catchphrase.

"Even if I have zero qualifications, I thought I could do a better job", the nice little almost invisible line that seems to be aimed at Mr Peanutbutter but is actually a basic description of almost every politician ever. Nice. And the way Katrina's amendment is made; so true, so perfect. Won't even talk about the exponential ridiculousness of the election, that is just brilliant.

"For the sake of fairness we've brought two experts with opposite opinions who will now have equal time to just say these opinions because that's what news is." Another great one, that has become sooo much more relevant in the past years, though I think this one went high above a lot of people's heads.

Ralf looked like a nice guy during the date. But pretty sure now he's a control freak who only want PC to be a housewife... or something worse.

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