Essential/Worth watching/Watchable/Skip

Easily the best episode of the series so far. It had everything: it expanded the lore in new and interesting ways, it hinted at a bigger conflict, it referenced past episodes and it had compelling story on its own with a few curveballs thrown in.

Mini Ground hog day segments caused by temporal radiation, as opposed to whole episodes we usually get, were contained enough to not become tedious. Mystery surrounding the ship and it's one man crew were outlandish enough, with organic circuitry and folded space so advanced as to be believable that it comes from almost a thousand years into the future.

Main story arc has been kind of lost for most of the season, and here we finally get some new information, most important being that mysterious Tholians are opposing fraction to Suliban in the temporal cold war. They are the ones that warned Enterprise about temporal radiation and didn't attack them at the time, so you would think they are the good guys were not for the fact they probably heavily damaged Vulcan ship Tal'Kir (although without casualties).

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