Shout by MuffinTop ;)

Fast Five 2011

"check your brain at the door" 100% terrible movie BUT! I would watch it again. This is one of those movies that is so stupid you can't help but laugh and that is what makes it great.

The only REAL problem with this movie (besides everything being completely unrealistic safe) is it tries to make you care abut the characters and does a poor job of it. With a movie like this no one cares if a baby gets run over. This is one of those testosterone macho flix we don't like it we you interrupt our explosions blood and gore to make us "feel things"

I cried when I saw T2 and the robot said bye bye. I think when I watch movies like Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Vanilla Sky, Basic, The Matrix, others were deeper but I can't recall them at the moment.. This movie needs to NOT try an make you think and be content with being a stupid BUT ENTERTAINING piece of crap. If you are on the fence let me say this 1. Paul Walker cant act to save his life 2. It's stupid but I liked it WATCH IT:)

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