Review by Theo Kallström

Incredibles 2 2018


Review by Theo Kallström



Incredibles 2 picks off right where the first one left us 14 years earlier, which is both bizarre and nostalgic. In terms of style and substance, it feels like there has only been a couple of years at most. The plot also naturally builds upon the world from the first film, where Supers are unwanted. Most importantly, though, Incredibles 2 is just as much about the difficulties of family life and relationships as the first film. We finally deal with Jack-Jack getting powers as well, which has been building from the first film. We also see the family dynamic turned upside down when the children suddenly need to save the world all by themselves.

It's amazing how this film perfectly captures the family-friendly and exciting vibe of the original Incredibles while still feeling up-to-date in terms of its references and connections to the modern world. It also perfectly builds up a mysterious new villain. It also expands upon the world from the first film, with new Supers and more backstory. The climax is bigger and bolder than in the first one.

The Parr family is back and they're just as delicious as ever. Bob is frustrated with his new life as a stay-at-home dad, Violet still has teenager problems and Dash is overly energetic. Helen gets the finest character development, allowed to take responsibility for making Supers legal again. She gets some fine solo moments. The funniest moments arrive with Jack-Jack, who is finally allowed to have a slice of the action. It's wonderful to see the film use old favourites like Frozone and Edna again in new ways.
The Screenslaver has not only the greatest supervillain name ever, he’s a trippy, creepy and interesting villain as well. He works very differently from Syndrome in the first film by just simply being a mysterious and menacing presence. The truth behind him is logical and well developed.

Pixar has perfected their blend of beautiful CGI animation, sound effects and great music. Incredibles 2 mixes the awesome soundtrack from the first film with new tunes and keeps the art style intact, only polishing the edges somewhat.

By firmly continuing the ever-expanding story of the Parr family and placing the film within a modern social landscape, Incredibles 2 will pull back fans of the original film while also capturing modern audiences. The evolved family dynamic, returning fan-favourite characters and some inevitable fan-service keeps the film intriguing.

Arriving after the mass-explosion of superhero films within the film industry, Incredibles 2 doesn't try to re-create what the MCU or DCEU has perfected, rather opting to stay on a path of its own. While the core of the story is similar to the 2004 original, the film offers enough new material to feel fresh and it's style and structure stand out from most other superhero films released around the same time.

Pixar proves they can handle sequels, as Incredibles 2 is in many ways just as good as the first film and other ways even better. The 14 years we had to wait for this film were worth it, because this is a strong sequel, a fun ride and a satisfying continuation of the Parr story.

WACPINE RATING: 8.43 / 10 = 4 stars

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