This would likely be the best of the season if it wasn't for a last minute twist that kind of spoils the mood, but everything leading up to it and the final gag itself are both top tier excellence. This is the first episode to place it's focus squarely on one major storyline, which is that of Candace and Candace only. Her arc here is emotionally powerful, especially seeing as the rest of the season had us building up her frustrations and seeing them happen, and the consequences thereof, are satisfying but also surprisingly dark for a show like this.

I appreciate that Dan and Swampy were able to go as dark as they do here - while there is no inherent violence, swearing, or even overtly disturbing stuff here, there are implications here that really start to make you question a lot about how we actually do treat kids and their own imaginations. The message here to "let kids be creative" is actually putting quite simple - there is a lot more it has to say about our society and how we put conformity into our kids even at a young age. Still wish the final twist wasn't there, but at least we got some humor and a great episode out of it.

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