I'm so confused! Is this movie supposed to be dumb? Is it intentional. Like a satire played on other horror movies? The characters are doing dumb things all the time. The story does not make sense. Plot is dead!

I mean this is directed by André Øvredal, and I'm aware of his work. I've seen his movies. He's good and for what I assume he is into this comic, satire kind thing, I don't know. But Guillermo del Toro has a credit for writing in this movie! He even produced this movie! Come on this has to be intentional that thia movie is so dumb!

Okay, but if this movie is what I think it is. Then they did a good job.
Characters were making wrong decisions all the time (cliché). One dumb friend in group (cliché). Ghost has a ROUGH PAST and decided to take revenge (cliché). This movie hits all the clichés we have seen and are seeing in horror movies this days.

The monsters/ghosts are awesome though! Harold the scarecrow, the lady in hospital, and the jangly man. Top notch work!

Overall this is a different movie. I'm kind of sure this is a satire. You can definitely watch this on Halloween. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sweat_smile:

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