So, I was told and given the impression that this was a “man hating feminist” movie. I didn't come away thinking so. I feel like this was just a very poorly executed film that has come out in a time period when the extremist end of the feminist spectrum is very apparent and rampant out there; so a lot of people are looking for signs of it, and if you're looking for problems you're going to find them. One can be extreme on either end. I was also told that the characters were purposely made less attractive, but I also didn't really agree with that. They may have looked a bit more relatively normal-ish, but they were still plenty attractive in general. All that said, it's absolutely not a good movie.

Suicide Squad actually had potential but I'm not sure that this one ever really did. The story kind of sucks. It's like a really bad, unrelated sequel to an already bad movie. I think it's possible that they could have made it an empowering female film where Harley picked herself up after the break up and kicked ass at thriving without the Joker, but nah; I didn't really come away feeling that. I admit that I don't know a lot about the actual history and break ups of Harley and the Joker, but as obsessed as she was shown to be with him in the previous film, I found her reactions to the break up to be a bit weak. The egg sandwich thing was vaguely amusing I guess. The movie tried really hard to be funny, but it just wasn't. There was that scene at the end where they just sat around eating tacos and awkwardly complimenting each other. That was so cringey.

Even worse was the Black Mask character. He made a horrible villain. He would have made more sense as a very intelligent, cunning, and calm, but intense man. Not some whiny brat who lost his temper so easily and said “eww” about everything like some preppy, popular high school teenager that's portrayed in so many other movies; yet he took great pleasure in having people's faces sliced off. I kept thinking it was Ewan McGregor playing him for just a split second, but then not. I finally had to look it up. How?! What was that sorcery? And why? I was disappointed to learn it was indeed him.

Oh, and the wardrobe sucked! The only thing I remember genuinely liking about this film was when Harley Quinn was shooting off color bombs and confetti. That was such a nice break from seeing red spurting everywhere and bloody bullet holes in people.

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