Review by The TV/Movie Guy

Dark: Season 3

3x04 The Origin

While watching...

man who are these guys!! why does he only travel with himself? lol they are one.

Wow i wonder what kid Hannah will have in the past. hmm I don’t think we know who Noah’s parents are.

So who raised Tronte?? Who is his father? Wow

Wow is Tiedeman Tronte’s father? Wait no cause Noah’s sister left him. So wait is Tiedeman Noah and his sister’s father. Maybe they were twins. Hmmm damn Hannah would really be the cause of all this. lol

Who will Hannah give birth too?
Who did Halge Marry?

Ok so one can’t kill the core players.

Oh snap it’s real now she done told Tiedamen she’s prego lego. lol

damn she got him backed up in the corner. hahaha she cray cray

Oh wow he’s been tutoring Claudia since she was a child.

Oh you are done dude. You aren’t a core player. bye bye don’t sign it don’t sign it?!

The show seems so weird with so much bright sunlight. lol

So wait is the middle aged Martha working for Adam still?

Wow the way they keep showing how the future influences the past.

Because of that necklace Katerina was able to see Ulrich in the asylum. The very asylum Hannah left him hanging. lol not to mention the name.

Damn so they birth a psychopathic killer!

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