Review by Matthew Luke Brady

The Walking Dead

Season 6

"Hi, I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you killing my men."

Season 6 started off strong - with the pasting flowing nicely, the characters got things done, and everything kept moving which is good, because none of the scenes didn't feel like it was dragging or to me it didn't. I got to admit, I was gripped with the first half of season 6 and I literately thought we got another season 5 on own hands. And I'm not kidding around when I say this, but the start of this season with supporting characters getting brutally killed off and many other unexpected moments that can keep any viewer on edge.

In this season, Ricks group teaches the folks at Alexandria a thing or two about fighting the living dead and how to protect themselves when being attacked, but this has many failed attempts. Those scenes alone are pretty solid and this also gives the characters something to do. But really, how many people have gone through hell and came back? How many have witnessed a loss of their loved ones, had all the odds against them, death had gotten as close to therm as it possibly can, yet they carried on, not because they wanted to but because they had to, they carried on because they discovered a purpose in their lives much larger than themselves. All of that was missing in Season 2, 3 & 4.

Andrew Lincoln, Melissa McBride and Lennie James (in my opinion) were the three stand outs of this season with the performances having some much weight to it. You either like or hate Morgan but you got to admit that Lennie James dose such a great job. Oh and screw you WatchMojo for putting him on "Top 10 Worst American Accents By Non Americans".

Everything was going pretty good. The writing was a bit off in a few episodes and some of the characters motivations didn't always make sense or it just plain stupid, but besides that, everything was going rather good.

And then we got the finale which has to be the most insulting and the biggest cop out that any TV show could do. It was a big middle finger to the fans and it's very clear now that the creators of the show don't give a f*k about the fans, as they have said that their don't feel sorry at all for the finale. I've seen a lot of TV shows with huge cliffhangers that demands viewers to be patient. I mean, just look at "Lost" that show is literally nothing but cliffhangers and a lot of people had to wait a year to know the answers. Luckily for us, we only have to wait till October, but it's kinda sad that this is what this show is turning into. The impact and the build up was completely ruined by the brain dead f*ktards at AMC. I bet the first episode of season 7 will have the biggest viewing ratings in any TV show ever, because of that cliffhanger. It's a sick businesses.

But the real reason why I'm so upset with the cliffhanger and the stupid finale is that it ruined Negan introduction that everyone (including me) was looking forward to. The character itself was threatening and more evil than The Governor. Jeffery Dean Morgan did an excellent performance as Negan that was unfortunately cut short. And it isn't easy delivering lines like "It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon", and somehow make that threatening but he did the best he could do for what he got.

Remember when we all thought Glenn died in the episode "Thank You" but many people pointed out that he might be alive somehow. I mean, there was no memorial for Glenn on The Talking Dead, which that alone gave away that he's still alive. And four episodes later, it's reveled that Glenn is alive and I have to admit that I was really happy that he isn't dead. But now when I look back at it, what was the point with that? I'll tell you what the point was, for view ratings and to get people to watch next weeks episode. Yeah it was shocking and did get me waiting for next week episode, but it's a subplot that goes nowhere and it doesn't do anything to the story.

"Last Day on Earth" is a 90 minute episode with no real pay off from the previous filler episodes. But season 6 overall is a decent season with a lot of pros & cons that can be found in other seasons.

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