Review by Apollo's

Onward 2020

Onward is an enjoyable, wholesome, heartwarming movie with some well excecuted scenes and jokes. The story is good.
Remarkable, that the film hardly contains any negativity in character's actions and/or relationshp, i'm sure not used to that in movies and it was interesting to notice :D

World-building lacking in polish is the main flaw of the film.
Looks like the movie wanted to tell us an emotional story of main characters as well as possible and didn't have enough time to show us a bigger picture.
Zootopia comes to my mind as an example of a cartoon where a fictional major cultural shift was shown better through numerous details .

The more i think about this, the more i understand that magic is a powerful tool in this movie and its techniques and magical artifacts should have been carefully documented, preserved and supervised by society. So yeah, something is not quite right with 'magic vs technology relationship today' part, because the magic they used is too OP to be abandoned by everyone completely.

So i think that magic should have been shown being just a bit more closer to Onward's 'present time' world. With technology still winning of course.

Regarding all other aspects i think the movie is pretty good and worth a watch!

A bit of knit picking from me is about the colours. The general colour pallete seems to miss something but i'm not sure what.

 Lol i made up an alternative version of the main characters, bare with me:

 For this story the creators  could have used an unemotional protagonist who very talented in science and is an active supporter of the 'science&technology' future of the world, who gradually discoverers his  magical abilities (by learning to be more honest with his emotions and express them). All that growth motivated by reviving his dad till the sunset of course.  As for the brother, that could be  the same happy-go-lucky guy who's passionate about magic but can't perform it for some reason that would also  be better to explain (maybe even an idea of a magically-handicapped character?).
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