Review by Kevin Social

Avengers: Infinity War 2018

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh this film is so damn awesome, the build-up to the character of Thanos played by Josh Brolin was perfect as the moment he comes on screen in this movie you know that this is gonna be one of the darkest MCU films and what I liked about this film is I didn't find it super predictable as the trailers barely gave away anything and it does differ from the comics for sure. Don't really know what to say about this film without spoiling things, I will say that I really liked the dynamic between all of the characters as some of these characters have never been on screen together but when they are I feel like the chemistry just flows so perfectly.

Picking out a favourite scene in this film is almost impossible as there are just so many to chose from, one thing I did love is with each stone there is a toll which characters involved with protecting it had to pay with some of them almost making you want to cry. Marvel what can I say, you actually pulled off the impossible as no-one thought the build-up would have been this worth it and visually this film is just so spectacular. If I had to pick out an action sequence that stands out it has to be the Wakanda scenes which are just mind-blowingly amazing.

Also if you have been watching these films since the start then I promise you that you will get emotional for sure.

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