Review by Martin Sestrimski

The Flash

Season 6

Season 6 started off fairly well. I genuinely enjoyed a good half of the episodes. The plotlines were decent, giving a decent development to most people involved. Pretty much all of them had their flaws, though. Currently, I watch the Flash mostly as a sort of mediocre trash show that can be quite entertaining. I've grown to like most of the characters and find the series at its best when it focuses on its humourous aspects. The issue is with the polar opposite - the drama. Frankly, the Flash has almost completely failed to deliver in that department since Season 2. I used to legitimately cry back in those first episodes, the reason likely being how humane the events involved were. It was easy to relate to the problems the characters faced, whereas now they throw a fit or cry every time some difficulty arises. The melodrama here made me want to put my fist through the screen at some point, I was baffled by how sappy it could get for what I found to be unbelievable reasons. There a few improvements, most noticeably with the lack of an ongoing seasonal villain. There are two main villains this time around, which lets the storylines feel more fulfilling and resort to filler less often. Due to the circumstances this year, the season ends somewhat abruptly at 19 episodes, although it ended up being for the better in my opinion, as the ending offered something different and an amusing cliffhanger.

The FX can be hit-or-miss, depending on the budget of individual episodes. I can't offer too much praise for them either way. The music is fine. I enjoyed the acting, with occassional flubs. All in all, I found Season 6 to be a mostly amusing watch, one not as irritating as Season 5. It's alright, but I can't deny I've developed far too much disdain for The Flash at this point, and could see myself dropping it next season unless there are marginal advancements in its many departments. It's repetitive and mind-numbing at this point, resorting to the same formulaic storytelling it keeps getting criticised for.

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