Shout by Cory Copeland

American Vandal 2017

Going in I wasn't quite sure what I was getting into, but I thoroughly enjoyed the show. For what is meant to be a satirical style investigative show, it's got quite the serious undertone...and then instead of killing and hard crimes, you had penis and poop jokes. It is right up my alley, but I will say that the first season is hands down the better of the two seasons. I personally wish there were more seasons, or at least more shows like this, but I think it is safe to say it would be hard to make a quality show like this feel fresh and go on any longer. There are only so many fabricated twists you can put into a school investigation. With that being said, I do think this is a show that everyone should at least check out, it might just be you next favorite four hour binge.

Average Season Review: 8/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Satire Fans)

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